Lower Key Stage 2 World War 2: A Child's Eye View from the Home Front
Prepare for the celebration of the anniversary of VE day at the end of World War 2 in Europe by studying the start of the war, the Dunkirk rescue, the Battle of Britain, the D-day landings and finally the end of the war, all from a child’s perspective.
Discover the events that led to the outbreak of the Second World War. Place events on a timeline and understand the chronology of the war. Experience through role play the war events from a child’s perspective.
Learn about the Dunkirk evacuation, inspired by the story of The Little Ships by Louise Borden. Learn what it means to be heroic and film a small world Dunkirk rescue using the model and vessels made over these sessions.
Learn about the threat of German invasion in the summer of 1940 and how this led to the Battle of Britain that raged over the coast of England between July and October of that year.
Learn the reasons why evacuation happened during World War 2 and where children were sent to live. Discover what children were told to pack and how they prepared for life as an evacuee.
How did food rationing, 'Dig for Victory' and the directive to 'make do and mend' impact children and their families during World War 2? Learn about rationing.
Learn about the D-Day landings and the events leading up to the end of the war. Write coded messages and make a World War 2 timeline display. Present all your World War 2 models and recreate VE day street parties.