Upper Key Stage 2 Early Islamic Civilisation - NEW LOOK
Islamic Cities - NEW LOOK

Learn about the Great Mosque at Cordoba and explore the history of the city, comparing and contrasting this with what we have already learned about Baghdad. Consider what this can tell us about science, art and culture in Early Islamic Civilisation.

Session 1 The Mosque at Cordoba



  • To know about the foundation of Cordoba.
  • To learn about the mosque at Cordoba.

Enquiry question
What was so special about the mosque at Cordoba?

Children will:

  • Learn about the foundation of the mosque at Cordoba.
  • Consider the significance of this mosque.
  • Learn about some of the other features of the city of Cordoba.

You Will Also Need

No additional resources are required.

Video tour of the mosque at Cordoba

Session 2 Al Zahrawi - The Great surgeon



  • To learn about a scholar from Cordoba.

Enquiry question
Why is Al-Zahrawi still remembered today?

Children will:

  • Learn about the surgeon, Al-Zahrawi.
  • Begin to compare Baghdad and Cordoba.

Provided Resources

  • Research notes on Baghdad and London, c. CE 1000

You Will Also Need

No additional resources are required.

Session 3 Presenting information



  • To recall and present information about the ancient cities of Baghdad and Cordoba.
  • To design and make a double-paged spread suitable for a non-fiction book.

Enquiry question
What information should we select and present about the ancient cities we have studied?

Children will:

  • Select and present information about the cities of Baghdad and Cordoba.
  • Compare decisions with peers and with a published historian.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Also Need

Paper for presentation of information
Coloured pens and pencils