Upper Key Stage 2 Computational Thinking and Creativity

Understand the timeline of the main developments of the World Wide Web since its invention. Learn about the great creative minds and internet entrepreneurs who have contributed to its biggest innovations. Be inspired and solve your own challenges. Create webpages, develop a fantasy football database, use 3D modelling software, design a stop motion animation, devise your own computer game and much more.

Block A
6 sessions
Introduction to Computational Thinking and Creativity

Begin to understand computer networks and how they provide multiple services as well as the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.

Block B
3 sessions
Web Research Challenge

Learn to identify reliable sources of information and spot less dependable material. Check and update a Wikipedia entry for a local city, county or region and create your own webpage of reliable links.

Computing, Geography
Block C
4 sessions
Spreadsheets and Databases

The Premier League and Women’s Super League need your help! Analyse their spreadsheets on team and individual performances and then create one to track and analyse your own performance.

Maths, Computing
Block D
3 sessions
3D Modelling

Minecraft inventor Markus Persson challenges you to build your own fantasy building using 3D modelling software Sketchup. Use your knowledge of 3D shape to help you create your own online buildings.

Maths, Computing
Block E
3 sessions

Learn about genres of animation and software programmes. Try a flip book animation and plan an animation using storyboarding. Shoot and edit your group animation.

Block F
3 sessions
Powerful Presentations

Create a script for a powerful presentation. Explore software and learn about the key features, and how to adapt them, of a good digital presentation. Present your work to your target audience.

Block G
3 sessions

Explore manipulating 'event handlers', 'code blocks' and 'event source parents'. Explore commands to make characters speak and move. Compare two 'drag and drop' websites. Create your own game.

Block H
3 sessions
Art Challenge

Come on an exploration of painting apps with David Hockney and have a go at entering the digital art world yourself with your own digital landscape painting. Exhibit your art online for critical acclaim.

Art & Design, Computing
Block I
3 sessions

Tim Berners-Lee challenges you to train in the art of app development, using Appshed. He is keen to award you with your App Development Qualification, but you need to create your own healthy lifestyle app first.

PSHE, Computing
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