Lesson Planning

Find out about the famous diarists Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn. Write your own diary entries, including a realistic entry set during the Great Fire. Finally, share diaries in a ‘coffee house’ setting to celebrate the completion of this block.
Enquiry question
What can we learn about events in the past from historical diaries?
Children will:
Example of an appointment diary
Online archive of Samuel Pepys' diaries.
Extracts from John Evelyn’s diaries.
Enquiry question
What can we learn about people in the past from historical diaries?
Children will:
Role play clothes and props, if available.
Online archive of Samuel Pepys' diaries
Enquiry question
How might people have felt during the Great Fire of London?
Children will:
Freeze Frame photographs from session 2
Enquiry question
How do we record information differently now compared to 1666?
Children will:
There are no resources provided for this session.
Group photos from session 3 and speech bubbles
A4 paper tea stained to look old (prepared before hand), folded in half
Plastic drinking straws
Ink or paint thinned with water, small containers for the ink
Coloured feathers
Basket or bin
Sellotape, glue, pencils
Instructions for making a simple quill pen
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