Key Stage 1 Great Fire of London - NEW LOOK
Buildings of 1666 - NEW LOOK

Consider the design of buildings, the properties of building materials and the contrast between the materials used in modern buildings and around the time of the Great Fire of London. Make 3-D models and 2-D collages of Tudor homes, and re-enact the Great Fire of London with tissue paper 'flames'! Finally, a visit from ‘Mr Pepys’ will be the catalyst for the class to become estate agents!

Session 1 Tudor buildings



  • To explore and identify features of Tudor buildings.
  • To know which building materials were used to build Tudor buildings.
  • To identify sources of information about Tudor buildings.

Enquiry question
How do we know what houses looked like in 1666?

Children will:

  • Identify the sources of information we can use to find out about Tudor buildings.
  • Look at Tudor buildings and spot some key features.
  • Draw and label a Tudor house.

You Will Also Need

There are no particular resources or weblinks needed for this session.

Session 2 Builders then and now



  • To explore and identify features of Tudor buildings.
  • To learn about the differences and similarities between modern buildings and Tudor buildings.
  • To select from a range of materials and tools to build structures.

Enquiry question
Why did Tudor builders use materials like wood, thatch, wattle and daub in many buildings?

Children will:

  • Learn about some of the building methods used in Tudor times.
  • Experience some of the historical practical skills involved in Tudor building practices.
  • Select from a range of materials (including recycled materials and textiles) and tools and use these to create 2-D and 3-D representations of Tudor houses.

You Will Also Need

Important teacher preparation notes (resources)

Constructing a Tudor house

Session 3 London's burning!



  • To teach the cause and effect of the Great Fire of London.
  • To help children to empathise with the people who experienced the Great Fire.

Enquiry question
How must it have felt to be caught up in the Great Fire of London?

Children will:

  • Recap some of the features of the Tudor buildings and why these may have made the fire easier to spread.
  • Discuss how it must have felt to be in London during the Great Fire.

Provided Resources

There are no provided resources for this session.

You Will Also Need

Blue fabric
Brown/grey fabric
Strips of tissue paper (yellow, red, orange)
Finished Tudor houses from Session 2

Session 4 Estate agents



  • To recap the key features of houses in 1666 using correct vocabulary.


  • To use descriptive vocabulary and expanded noun phrases to add colour and information.
  • To read their writing aloud, speaking clearly and confidently.

Enquiry question
What were the main features of houses in London before the Great Fire?

Children will:

  • Plan our writing, using key words and phrases.
  • Begin to use expanded noun phrases.
  • Read our work aloud with clarity and appropriate intonation.

You Will Also Need

Role-play costume for Samuel Pepys (e.g. a wig could be made from a white dishcloth!)
Individual white boards & pens