Hamilton has thousands of session planning resources for teaching cross-curricular topics in primary schools. But did you know that we make over 500 of these documents available for free?
Hamilton's cross-curricular topics offer myriad opportunities to explore the rich and varied curriculum that teachers, children, parents and inspectors want to see in your classroom. Our new topics format allows you to filter by subject, so that you can find teaching materials for English, maths, science, computing, geography, history, music, PE, PSHE, RE, DT, art and design, dance SMSC, drama and global citizenship easily. (Filters are available for reception, key stage 1, lower key stage 2 and upper key stage 2.)
Topics are organised in blocks, each of which covers a particular area of a topic and culminates in a meaningful outcome for the children. You choose how many blocks to teach and in what order. Blocks are made up of a variable number of sessions, which you can teach once a week or in a more concentrated period of time, according to your planning.
There are free topics across the age ranges. To start teaching now, choose your age range.
From £155 (+ VAT) per year. Access to all key stages for multiple users.
Sign upJust £45 (£37.50 + VAT) per year to get access to all resources.
Sign upJust £33 (£27.50 + VAT) to get access to all resources for 2 years.
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