Upper Key Stage 2 Earth Matters - NEW LOOK
Biomes - NEW LOOK

Create a Biome in a Bag and a DIY ‘Eden Project’ with its own mini guide or poster, based on their research using maps, globes, websites and a visit to a manmade biome. This block teaches the children about the key aspects of climate zones, biomes and ecosystems.

Session 1 Biomes of the World



  • Describe and understand climate zones and biomes.
  • Use maps, atlases and globes to locate countries.
  • Begin to learn about indigenous populations of different biomes and how climate affects their lives.

Enquiry question
What is a biome?

Children will:

  • Understand the term ‘biome’ and identify biomes of the world.
  • Understand features of biomes, including vegetation, wildlife and climate.
  • Begin to identify indigenous peoples of the biomes.
  • Using research, role-play as a person living in the researched biome.

You Will Also Need

Internet access
Non-fiction books

Try using Kiddle to search for appropriate information on biomes or look at the National Geographic, BBC Bitesize, Earth Observatory Nasa

Session 2 Light, water and nutrients



  • Describe and understand climate zones and biomes.


  • Understand evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
  • Begin to understand photosynthesis.

Find out how different climate impacts vegetation.

Enquiry question

How does climate affect vegetation in a biome?

Children will:

  • Understand the water cycle.
  • Understand how biomes need the right conditions to generate growth – light, heat and food.
  • Begin to gain an understanding of photosynthesis.

You Will Also Need

2-litre plastic bottles
Large freezer bags
Small pebbles/gravel
Potting soil
Seeds (anything quick-growing – cress, beans, grass etc.)
A window sill
Freezer blocks
A camera

Session 3 Visit to a Biome



  • Describe and understand climate zones and biomes.
  • Closely observe and then draw animals/plants.


  • Identify how animals and plants are adapted to cope with life in their biome.

Enquiry question

How have plants and animals adapted to live in this particular biome?

Children will:

  • Experience at first hand a natural/artificial biome, including vegetation and wildlife.
  • Understand and empathise with people who live in a particular biome, by having a glimpse into the temperatures, vegetation and wildlife they experience.
  • Look closely at the vegetation of the biome, by undertaking life drawing.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Also Need

Clipboards, pencils and paper

Suggested artificial biomes include: The Eden Project, Cornwall; The Living Rainforest, Berkshire; Discover Amazonia, Motherwell

Your local Wildlife Trust may offer school visits to study an ecosystem on one of their reserves.

Session 4 Save our biomes!



  • Describe and understand climate zones and biomes.
  • Understand the delicate interdependent nature of ecosystems and consider global environmental problems and solutions.


  • Use research to inform persuasive written and spoken argument.

Enquiry question

How can we save our biomes?

Children will:

  • Comprehend the delicate interdependent nature of ecosystems.
  • Know about global environmental problems and solutions.
  • Use our research to inform our writing.
  • Create posters and give presentations that include persuasive arguments.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Also Need

Non-fiction books for research
Materials for poster making (large sheets of paper, colouring pencils/pens/crayons, etc.)

Video on the effects of the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park
Video on how elephants generate forest from BBC
Biome conditions from blueplanetbiomes
Balance in biomes and Savanna from bioexpedition
Grasslands and Tundra from UCMP Berkeley
On YouTube: Video on Alpine tundra; Video on the Arctic tundra and the problems related to losing permafrost; Video on the Taiga the biome with the least but important range of biodiversity; Video from WWF on the importance of the rainforest

NB: Please watch videos and check links BEFORE sharing with your class

Session 5 Build a model Eden project?



  • Describe and use information about climate zones and biomes.


  • Select and use materials to build a model.

Enquiry question
Can we make a biome using what we have learned?

Children will:

  • Understand the features of our chosen biome by building a model of it.
  • Construct a model Eden Project selecting suitable materials for the content.

You Will Also Need

Card; Paint
Tissue paper
Modelling foliage/painted sponge
Clear plastic
Domed cup lids/large plastic bottles
A camera

The Eden Project website

Session 6 Come and visit!



  • Describe and understand climate zones and biomes.


  • Write a tourist guide/poster for the biome made in the previous session, considering what information is necessary and interesting.

Enquiry question
How can we attract people to visit our biome?

Children will:

  • Understand that the threats faced by the various biomes of the world are serious and urgent.
  • Create a tourist guide/poster using appropriate language and style.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Also Need

Materials for poster/guide making (large sheets of paper, colouring pencils/pens/crayons, etc.).
Biomes and photographs of the biomes made in session 5, preferably on the IWB.

The Eden Project website