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World Biodiversity Day

By Julie St Clair Hoare - 17 May 2024

The 22nd of May is World Biodiversity Day (also known as the International Day of Biological Diversity) and an appropriate day for your class to get outside to study local habitats and the incredible plants, insects, animals and birds that live in them!

Use World Biodiversity Day to stimulate science teaching about living things and their habitats.

Science blocks focussed on biodiversity

Our Pets: explore the school grounds and discover woodlice in sessions one and two. (Year 1)

Growing Things: plant potatoes, beans and cress; find out what's growing in the outside world. (Year 1/2)

Habitats: focus on microhabitats, food chains and bugs; make bug hotels to encourage a variety of creatures to live there. (Year 2)

Artful Flowers, Fruits and Seeds: discover the relationship between flowers and bees; look closely at flowers. (Year 3)

A World of Living Things: create an interactive book all about the incredible diversity of life in our world. (Year 3/4)

Name That Living Thing!: classify living things; make observational drawings of insects, and demonstrate classification keys to a younger audience. (Year 4)

Help Our Habitats!: work out the best way to turn an old industrial site into a wildlife haven; discover the impact of climate change; design a wildlife friendly habitat. (Year 4)

Illustrating Life Cycles: learn about the life cycles of flowers, insects, mammals and birds and create an illustrated book on life cycles. (Year 5/6)

Classification Connoisseurs: focus on Linnaeus’ classic system of classification; examine and draw a variety of leaves, and come up with a classification system for them. (Year 6)

All Hamilton science covers investigative, as well as content-based, National Curriculum objectives. Taken together, the blocks for each year group take your class through the entire curriculum and ensure that you cover all objectives. Try our Assessment Grids on the year pages to track your coverage.