- To dissect and label the parts of a flowering plant, including male and female structures (Y5&6)
- To record findings in the form of an annotated botanical illustration (Y5&6)
- To research the life cycle and reproduction of a flowering plant (Y5&6)
- Make a detailed Linnaean illustration of a flowering plant using watercolour pencils (Y5&6)
- Research the lifecycle and reproduction of their flowering plant (Y5&6)
- Dissect and label the parts of a flower, identifying the male and female gametes (Y5)
- Dissect and label the parts of a complex flower, identifying the male and female gametes (Y6)
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants. Dissect a flower and explore the fascinating world of flowering plant reproduction. Capture the key sexual structures of a flower and its life cycle in the form of a botanical drawing. (Analysing secondary sources, Pattern seeking, Classifying and identifying)
Year 5 – Dissect, label, draw botanical illustrations, and research the lifecycle of a simple flower, identifying the male and female gametes
Year 6 – Dissect, label, draw botanical illustrations, and research the lifecycle of a complex flower, identifying the male and female gametes
Gamete, stamen, stigma, carpel, pistil, pollination, germination, flowering, sexual reproduction, life cycle, seed, pollen, anther, filament, style, ovary, botanical illustration, dissection