Lower Key Stage 2 Rainforests - NEW LOOK
This engaging topic will introduce children to rainforests around the world. They will learn what they are, where they are, what they contain and who lives there. Along the way they will develop their skills by writing reports, creating their own rainforests, and becoming David Attenborough!
Want more planning about rainforests?
We have two fantastic Year 4 English blocks about rainforests: Stories that raise issues and Persuasive writing.
Discover key information about world rainforests; find out where in the world they are, what their climate, topography and flora and fauna are like.

Understand the four main layers of a rainforest. Find out about the plants and the creatures that grow in the different layers and how they are adapted to live there.

Explore the life of tribal families and compare the way they live to your family life. Learn about the art of the Kayapo people. Discover how logging and mining threaten the rainforest and the people who live there.

Learn about the destruction of the rainforest. Research the arguments around deforestation and make an interactive wall display. Conduct a class debate and write a poem.

Explore the climate and rainfall of temperate and tropical rainforests. Listen to rainforest creature sounds. Recreate a rainstorm using your body parts. Make forest instruments. Create a musical composition to perform.
Discover the food resources in the rainforests. Create dioramas of the four layers of the rainforest, and how different creatures have adapted to forest life.
Investigate the link between deforestation and climate change. Create a video to raise awareness. Make insect homes, bird feeders and plant your own mini forests and gardens.