Maths Out Loud

Give each child in the class a card with a number between 1 and 20.

Together, count along the washing line from 1 to 20.

Then children close their eyes whilst you turn round 3 cards so their numbers are not visible. Children open eyes and hold up their card if they think it’s one of the missing numbers. They explain where it is on the line.

Repeat several times across the unit, swapping children’s numbers.

Ten in the bed (see resources for lyrics).

Hippos Go Berserk! by Sandra Boynton.

One hippo calls another hippo. so now there are two. Then another hippo is called to make three. So the story proceeds… Children love it when they go berserk!

You could print pictures of hippos and ask children to come up to form a human number line as each new hippo is added, reinforcing this unit’s theme of ordering and comparing numbers.