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Staff Meetings: school-wide maths training

By Nick Barwick - 3 Oct 2018

Use Hamilton's training materials to ensure a whole-school approach to teaching mastery of age-related expectations in maths.

We provide a set of downloadable, adaptable documents and files that together provide everything you need to run a session based on Ruth Merttens' popular maths mastery training that will help you develop a whole-school approach to teaching mastery.

Hamilton recommend that a maths coordinator or an experienced maths teacher run these sessions using the background information, presentations and activity sheets below.

Consistency in Models and Images

Develop a consistent approach to models and images, layout and 'patter' across your school to facilitate children's progression towards maths mastery from year to year.

Prepare for the session
We recommend you read through the training notes and the mathematical notes prior to running the training session. These outline the session and provide the pedagogical background to key models and images from Early Years through to Year 6 to help support age-specific discussion and analysis.

The training session
Use the training presentation to structure the core of the session. Professor Ruth Merttens has recorded short videos that set the context and explain key concepts, while providing a bit of Ruth's inspirational spark. These are embedded as YouTube videos within the presentation. If you are unable to play YouTube videos within their school use the separate downloads of these video clips. The handouts prompt discussion activities to make the session meaningful for your teachers and generate actionable information to develop a whole-school approach to teaching.

Follow up session
We recommend scheduling a short follow-up session approximately four weeks later to monitor progress, share successes and discuss any emerging issues.

Download everything below:

Consistency in Models and Images