Key Stage 1 Awareness Days
World Water Day

World Water Day, held each year on the 22nd of March focuses on the importance of water for life and reasons to save water. The value of water is contextualised by learning about people who do not have clean water or toilets. Hold a fun-filled Water Day with craft sessions and curriculum linked activities.

Session 1 Let's Paint Water


Art and Design

  • Learn about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines and making links to their own work.
  • Use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination.

Lesson Planning

Consider the power of water, the attractiveness of the sea, the delight of paddling or swimming in the sea during a seaside holiday and being in a boat on the sea.

Children will:

  • Learn about the artist Hokusai.
  • Create an interpretation of Hokusi’s ‘Great Wave’ drawing on their own experiences of the sea/ocean.

You Will Need

  • The Great Wave: A Children's Book Inspired by Hokusai’ by Veronique Massenot, Bruno Pilorget
  • Images of The Great Wave
  • Art media materials, as available
  • See weblinks

Session 2 Let's Wash with Water



  • Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air).
  • Describe the importance for humans of hygiene.


  • Compare, describe and solve practical problems for capacity and volume.

Lesson Planning

Revisit water-related activities to consider keeping clean.

Children will:

  • Enjoy using soap in different forms and water to clean various items.
  • Learn the importance of keeping clean, especially washing hands properly.

You Will Need

  • List of water linked activities
  • Various containers such as beakers, jugs, bowls, buckets, some marked with measures
  • Water play tray, Tuff Spot tray
  • Sponges, cloths, brushes of different kinds
  • Dish washing, nail, tooth, bottle, water and safe forms of soap* washing up liquid, bars of soap different shapes and colours, baby bath soap
  • Outside toys, dolls, dolls’ clothes, role-play costumes, pegs, washing line, plastic construction kit pieces and cars

Session 3 Let's Conserve Water



  • Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air).

Lesson Planning

Think about how vital water is to all life on earth and why it’s so important not to waste it. Consider how we can remind and encourage people in school to conserve water.

Children will:

  • Find out facts about water conservation.
  • Create an aide memoir to help people remember to conserve water.

You Will Need

  • Jug containing water and tumblers for children to drink from
  • A3 paper and pens to create posters
  • A5paper for reminders
  • ‘Water droplet’ shape paper and blue pens to write song
  • Laminator
  • Hole punch
  • String/ribbon to create banner or to hand individual water droplets from ceiling

Session 4 Let's Grow with Water



  • Find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.

(Note: Seeds and bulbs need water to grow but most do not need light; seeds and bulbs have a store of food inside them.)

Lesson Planning

Plant cress seeds and put them to one side to germinate and grow.

Children will:

  • Look at and compare seeds from different plants.
  • Learn that seeds produce plants and that water is essential for this action.

You Will Need

  • Collection of different seeds in their packets
  • Fruit containing seeds
  • Knives and chopping boards
  • Cress seeds, small plastic recycled yoghurt pots, cotton wool, water in plant watering can or small jug, labels and waterproof pens
  • Seed journals
  • Eddie's Garden: and How to Make Things Grow’ by Sarah Garland
  • ‘Oliver's Vegetables’ by Vivian French
  • ‘Grandpa's Garden’ by Stella Fry