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Maths Out Loud

Coin recognition



Hold up a 1p coin. In unison, and using fingers, count in 1ps to 20p and show the 20p coin.
Hold up a 2p coin. Count in 2s to 20, dropping 2p coins into a mug as you do so. Tip the coins out and point out that all these are the same as 20p.
Hold up a 5p coin. Count in 5s to 20, dropping 5p coins into a mug as you do so. Tip the coins out and point out that these are the same as 20p.
Hold up a 10p coin. Count in 10s to 20, dropping 10p coins into a mug as you do so. Tip the coins out and point out that these two 10ps make 20p.


Sing a song of sixpence (see resources)

Count out six pennies to show what sixpence looks like nowadays. It could even be a 5p and a 1p, or three 2p coins.

Be the king in his counting house and count out the money.


The Great Pet Sale by Mick Inkpen