Maths Reception Summer Understanding Number

Hamilton's Reception Maths planning targets the key characteristics of effective early learning:

  • Through Exploring and Playing, children independently engage with their peers and their environment.
  • Active Learning group activities promote the motivation needed to be involved and to keep trying.
  • Guided Creating and Thinking Critically supports development of problem-solving & reasoning skills.

Maths Out Loud: whole-class counting, repetitive chants, rhymes, songs and a linked story to enjoy together.

Teen numbers: 10 and some more (suggested as 5 days)

Maths Out Loud

Cover all multiples of 10 on a 1-100 grid with sticky notes. Use the grid to support counting to 100, with children using their fingers to match the 1s digits of the numbers. Emphasise numbers ending in 0 and 5.

Number bonds
With children in pairs, ask each pair to show you 10 fingers altogether, so one child might show 6 and the other might show 4. Now ask them to do this in a different way. Repeat.

Together, sing a song which counts to 20, e.g. Let's Count to 20 Song For Kids.

Read Teeth, Tails, & Tentacles (an animal counting book) by Christopher Wormell. Together count how many legs, spots, eyes etc are on the animals (up to 20).

Also see:

Handa's Hen by Eileen Browne.

You Will Need

Exploring and playing
Role-play shop, pretend snack items, labels, 10p and 1p coins, purses, red and blue plastic bricks, e.g. Duplo if building inside, or larger outdoor bricks if building outside, three labelled pots of counters in the role-play shop, sticky notes, playdough, boards, counters, 1-20 number track (see resources).

Active Learning
Large wooden/plastic bricks - the sort used outside, flip, straws/lolly sticks, elastic bands, 10 to 20 number cards (see resources), 10 and 1s place value cards (see resources), interlocking cubes.

Creating and Thinking Critically
10p and 1p coins; number shapes, e.g. Numicon; 20-bead strings (10 beads in one colour, 10 in a different colour -rather than groups of 5) or 100-bead strings (using only the first 20 beads), 10 to 20 number cards (see resources), strips of card, double-side sticky tape, clear tape, lots of blue and red counters.