Upper Key Stage 2 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Use Hamilton’s SPaG presentations and exercises to teach and revise grammar for your UKS2 (Year 5, Year 5/6 or Year 6) class. The blocks offer flexible teaching: use the presentation to introduce or revise a grammatical concept as a stand-alone lesson or add on the accompanying exercises for children to practise and apply their knowledge. With a wide selection of differentiated exercises to choose from there is plenty of opportunity for children to consolidate their learning.
These blocks are great for teaching English grammar to English speakers and non-English speakers alike.
Devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs. This includes teaching on pronouns, determiners, subordinating conjunctions, adverbs, adverbials of place, number and time. Exercises consolidate the correct use of conjunctions and using cohesive devices within a paragraph.
Modifiers change, clarify, limit or qualify a word or clause, adding emphasis or detail. These presentations and exercises revise the use of adverbials, relative clauses, descriptive language and expressing time, place and cause.
Session one includes revision of nouns and adjectives and teaches children to build noun phrases; exercises include identifying nouns and using noun phrases. The second session focuses on types of pronoun with consolidation exercises to match.
Includes three teaching presentations on: apostrophes; harder punctuation: commas, colons and bullet points; and punctuating dialogue. With exercises to practice using these various types of punctuation as well as basic end-of-sentence punctuation.
Includes four teaching presentations: modal verbs; formal and informal language including the subjunctive; verb tenses; and active and passive voice. With exercises to consolidate understanding of verb tenses and using the active and passive voice.
The teaching presentation looks at the main word classes and their relationships with each other. Exercises provide consolidation work on: identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs; identifying articles; and using conjunctions to join clauses.
Changing a noun from singular to plural can be tricky. Help children to consolidate their understanding of the associated spelling rules with these exercises: identify the correct plural; use the correct singular or plural form.
Review sentence structures by looking at their components: phrases (a group of words) clauses (contain a subject and a verb) and sentences (simple or compound). Use these exercises to check children’s understanding of the differences.
Encourage children to make careful word choices to communicate their ideas clearly. Exercises include: identifying synonyms; replacing adjectives and verbs with synonyms; using synonyms for said; and choosing the correct homographs to complete a sentence.