Lesson Planning

Teach a selection of units to meet the needs of your class.
Block includes Year 3 Addition and Subtraction (A) assessment.
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
Home Packs are not being prepared for this block. If children are at home for a short while this term, use the 'Local Lockdown?' units on the Summer term home page.
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
Home Packs are not being prepared for this block. If children are at home for a short while this term, use the 'Local Lockdown?' units on the Summer term home page.
Use/revisit the Day 2 Working towards ARE group activity.
Make the place value of numbers more explicit by modelling and partitioning with PV cards or base-10 equipment.
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to lockdown?
Home Packs are not being prepared for this block. If children are at home for a short while this term, use the 'Local Lockdown?' units on the Summer term home page.
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