Short Blocks

Maths Reception Summer Addition and Subtraction

Hamilton's Reception Maths planning targets the key characteristics of effective early learning:

  • Through Exploring and Playing, children independently engage with their peers and their environment.
  • Active Learning group activities promote the motivation needed to be involved and to keep trying.
  • Guided Creating and Thinking Critically supports development of problem-solving & reasoning skills.

Maths Out Loud: whole-class counting, repetitive chants, rhymes, songs and a linked story to enjoy together.

Equivalence (suggested as 5 days)

Maths Out Loud


Point to any number on the 1-20 track. Children say the next three numbers. Repeat.

Number bonds

Play ‘Give me 5’. Show a number of fingers up to 5. Children show you the number of fingers needed to make 5, e.g. you show 4, they show 1.


Sing ‘5 little men in a flying saucer’, e.g. at Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer from

Pause to ask how many will be left each time.


Quack and count by Keith Baker

You Will Need

Exploring and Playing
Conkers in a sand tray/pit or pebbles in a box of sand; a selection of 5, 6 or 7 animals; two pens; 2 to 12 number cards (with lots of 6 and 7 cards) and dominoes; trains and carriages in two colours

Active Learning
Pan balance (e.g. the sort used for number shapes), number shapes to 5 (or use sticks of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cubes); a whistle, whiteboard and pen; an egg box, 6 brown eggs and 6 white eggs, flipchart and pens; coat hanger, same coloured pegs, cloth.

Creating and Thinking Critically
Two cardboard boxes to make caves and six bears; 7 cards and blu-tac®; flipchart; a piece of paper with a large snake drawn with 7 spaces for each child, crayons/paints and brushes/sponges; 1 to 5 number cards; cubes; blank cards; Addition cards (see resources)