- To investigate the effectiveness of various materials, sizes and string length of parachute (Yr5&6).
- To record data using a ‘best of three’ approach (Yr5&6).
- To annotate a parachute diagram with forces (Yr5&6).
- Set up and carry out a guided parachute investigation exploring shape, size and string length (Yr5&6)
- Calculate the area of the parachute and its scaled up speed (Yr5&6)
- Recommend parachute material, size and string length in the form of a diagram & record sheet (Yr5&6)
Parachute Ride: air resistance. Decide which parachute is best - your team needs to work out the best material, size of parachute and length of strings for the ride. (Exploring, Problem solving, Pattern seeking, Fair testing)
Years 5&6 - Set up and carry out a guided parachute investigation exploring shape, size and string length
Years 5&6 - Calculate the area of the parachute and its scaled up speed
Years 5&6 - Recommend parachute material, size and string length in the form of a diagram & record sheet
Variables, fall, Earth, gravity, air resistance, friction, moving surfaces, speed, accuracy, causal relationship