You Will Need
Provided Resources
- Definitions game cards
- Guidance & resources
- Odd one out
- Homework guidance
Additional Resources
- Investigation equipment
Soluble and insoluble materials from
The British Film Institute (BFI) directors need a new team of special effects technicians for a series of upcoming movies. You will need to explore a range of materials to create the desired special effects and compile a technician’s guide.
Explore making and separating mixtures. Dissolve into your first challenge by making an array of muddy forms, from muddy puddles to lumps of squidgy mud – you will also be asked to try and reset your materials for the next take.
Science Objectives
i) Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their solubility properties
ii) Know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution
iii) Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
iv) Demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
Working Scientifically
Provided Resources
Additional Resources
Soluble and insoluble materials from
Mud, glorious mud. Dissolve into your first challenge by making an array of muddy forms, from muddy puddles to lumps of squidgy mud by investigating what happens when you mix various substances – you will also be asked to try and reset you materials for the next take. (Exploring, Fair testing, Problem solving, Classifying and identifying)
Year 5 - Carry out investigations into the mixing and heating/cooling of solids & liquids. Use sieving, filtration, evaporation and changes in temp to reverse changes then record and outline methods and findings, including graphs, in the form of a technicians brief
Year 6 - Plan and carry out investigations into the mixing and heating/cooling of solids & liquids. Use sieving, filtration, evaporation and changes in temp to reverse changes then record and outline methods and findings, including graphs, in the form of a technicians brief
Enquiry, solid, liquid, gas, dissolve, soluble, solute, solution, insoluble, heterogeneous/homogeneous mixture, colloid, suspension, reversible, irreversible, changes of state, evaporation, sieving, filtering, heating/cooling
Directors want to know all about the nature of sugar in terms of saturation points, sugar forms and the impact of temperature on its solubility. A large amount needs to be thrown into water and magically disappear for a movie scene – can you advise on the best conditions for this to occur?
Science Objectives
i) Know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution
Working Scientifically
Provided Resources
Additional Resources
Sweet soluble solutions. Directors want to know all about the nature of sugar in terms of saturation points, sugar forms and the impact of temperature on its solubility. A large amount needs to be thrown into water and magically disappear for a movie scene – can you advise on the best conditions for this to occur? (Exploring, Fair testing, Problem solving, Pattern seeking)
Year 5 - Plan and carry out several investigations into solubility of different sugar forms exploring different solvents and temperatures with support
Year 6 - Independently plan and carry out several investigations into solubility of different sugar forms exploring different solvents and temperatures
Years 5&6 - Measure volume and temperatures accurately, taking multiple readings to ensure accuracy and record findings in tables, graphs and diagrams
Variables, precision, enquiry, solid, liquid, gas, dissolve, soluble, solute, solution, line graph, bar chart
Are you ready to make some explosive special effects? The BFI wants to know all about volcanoes and rockets and the optimum conditions for the best eruptions and take-offs. Perfect your effects then video your own movie clip to share with technicians.
Science Objectives
i) Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda
Working Scientifically
Provided Resources
Additional Resources
Dante’s Peak (watch first 35secs only as contains some inappropriate language) from
Explosive special effects! Are you ready to make some explosive special effects? The BFI wants to know all about volcanoes and rockets and the best conditions for the best eruptions and take-offs. Investigate the irreversible effects of baking soda and vinegar as well as mixing sodium bicarbonate with water. Perfect your effects then video your own movie clip to share with technicians. (Exploring, Fair testing, Problem solving, Pattern seeking, Classifying and identifying)
Year 5 - Plan and carry out investigations into how changes in variables affect reactions. Carry out investigations into how changes in variables affect reactions. Make observations of non-reversible chemical reactions
Year 6 - Suggest explanations for and by-products of non-reversible chemical reactions. Plan and carry out investigations into how changes in variables affect reactions
Variables, accuracy, enquiry, solid, liquid, gas, reaction, reactant, non-reversible
Some changes in materials can’t be reversed and they can produce new materials in the process. Immerse yourself in the world of oxidation and burning and see how they can be used to make props look older than they are.
Science Objectives
i) Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning
Working Scientifically
Provided Resources
Additional Resources
What is rust? from
Changing materials - rust from
Chemical reactions in food from
Aging props – oxidisation & burning. Some changes in materials can’t be reversed and they can produce new materials in the process. Immerse yourself in the world of oxidation and burning and see how they can be used to age props. (Exploring, Fair testing, Problem solving, Pattern seeking, Classifying and identifying, Observing over time)
Years 5&6 - Plan and carry out investigations into conditions needed for rusting, observing over time, recording findings and suggesting optimum conditions for rusting
Years 5&6 - Calculate a ‘rate of burning’ for a candle
Variables, accuracy, precision, enquiry, solid, liquid, gas, rust, oxidation, reaction, reactant
Have a go at making prosthetic wounds then blend up your fake blood. Can you come up with the best materials and combinations for the job?
Science Objectives
i) Compare everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their solubility
ii) Know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution
iii) Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
Working Scientifically
Provided Resources
Additional Resources
The Make-up Gallery from
Prosthetics Wounds and Fake Blood. Have a go at making prosthetic wounds then blend up some fake blood. Can you come up with the best materials and combinations for the job? An exploration or reversible and irreversible mixtures and reactions (Exploring, Fair testing, Problem solving, Pattern seeking, Classifying and identifying, Observing over time)
Years 5&6 - Make sample prosthetic wounds using a materials that have been changed in some way and make fake blood through selecting and mixing materials. Record and outline findings orally and visually
Variables, accuracy, precision, enquiry, solid, liquid, gas, dissolve, soluble, solute, solution, reactant, reaction, reversible, non-reversible
Learn about some chemists who have invented very useful new materials and have fun creating new materials. Find out about brand new materials that are still in the development phase of their life and how they could be used in movie special effects.
Science Objectives
i) Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials
Working Scientifically
Provided Resources
Additional Resources
Applications of graphene from
Information about Geckel from
The future of SFX. Learn about some chemists who have invented very useful new materials and have fun creating new materials. Find out about brand new materials that are still in the development phase of their life and how they could be used in movie special effects. (Exploring, Analysing secondary sources)
Years 5&6 - Create their own ‘new’ gooey material
Years 5&6 - Know about some famous materials inventors and research and record information about new materials and their possible uses
Solid, liquid, gas, reversible, non-reversible, experimental
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