You Will Need
Provided Resources
- Teaching and Plenary PowerPoints
- List of Flower Clues
- Botanical Painting reminder sheet
- Template for flower petals (plenary)
- Teachers’ Notes
Additional Resources
- A box with a lid and specimen flowers for drawing
- A selection of edible flowers
- Cauliflower, broccoli, salad leaves, optional other salad ingredients (choose from cherry tomatoes/radishes (1-2 per child), peas, sweetcorn, cucumber) and salad dressing
- Cooking equipment for one third of the class
- Cooking aprons, chopping boards, short handled knives, forks and teaspoon
- Small plastic pudding dishes or disposable cups (1 per child)
- Disposable forks (1 per child)
- Water colour pallets and mixing pallets (or water-soluble colouring pencils)
- Jug and water pots
- Good quality art paper cut into sheets (A4 size approx.), fine brushes and rulers
- Per group of 3: 6 cotton buds with the bud at one end cut off and 1 with both ends cut off, a lump of Plasticine the size of a conker, a pair of scissors and a sheet of A4 coloured card