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Maths Out Loud

Where is it?


3-D Shapes

  • Give each child a 3-D shape to hold.
  • Display images of 3-D shapes on the interactive whiteboard OR stick 3-D shapes to the board using masking tape or sticky-tack.
  • Display a 3 by 3 grid of different shapes (see download).
  • Describe a shape by its position, e.g. It is above the black cuboid. OR It is beside the green cube.
  • Any child holding the same shape as the one you are describing, should stand up, i.e. any child holding a cube would stand up if you made the first statement.
  • Repeat, continuing to describe a shape on the grid with reference to its position.


The Grand Old Duke of York

Little Miss Muffet

Incey Wincey Spider

Half a pound of tuppenny rice. In this song, change the ‘on’ the table, to ‘under’ the table or to ‘beside’ the table, etc. Note up and down and in and out … what other position words could we use?


Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins

Little Star and other Shapes by J. Y. Quinn