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Maths Out Loud

Measuring weights



Show children 1-10 on the washing line. Give each child a number card from 1 to 10.

Point to 5 on washing line. Hold up your number if it is more than 5! Hold up your number if it is less than 5!

Repeat with other numbers.


Sing ‘One potato, two potatoes’ or this variation: ‘One tomato, two tomatoes’ . Discuss which numbers are more than 6.


How to Weigh an Elephant by Bob Barner

Maths Out Loud



Counting/ Talk

  • Use an analogue then digital clock to support counting on in steps of one hour from 8 o’clock in the morning to 8 o’clock in the evening.
  • Make a visual timetable to keep track of regular events in the school day – take photos with the children. Once familiar with the timetable, take off all the pictures, muddle them up, and ask children to help you sort them back into order! First, we have lunch, then we wash our hands. Oh, isn’t that right? Why not? Is it right that we go home at the beginning of the day?
  • Talk about day of the week at register time: What day comes after today? What day was it yesterday? What day comes after/before Tuesday? How many sleeps is it until the weekend/our outing?


Sing a song to help children to learn days of the week in order, e.g.

Days of the week singalong or Days of the week song.

Begin to explore o’clock times by singing the traditional rhyme ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’. Sing along with this version featuring lots of different animals, that has a surprise ending: Hickory Dickory…Crash!


Explore the order of events during the day by reading Frog and Toad Together: A List by Arnold Lobel. There is an on-screen version of this available too.

Read a story book about months, e.g. Month by Month, A Year Goes Round by Carol Diggory Shields or Maisy’s Seasons by Lucy Cousins.