The future of multilingual education in primary classrooms
According to government statistics, in the school year 2022/23, 22% of children in state-funded primary schools were known or believed to have a first language that is "other than English" (EAL). In our increasingly linguistically super-diverse classrooms, how do we make sure that all students feel that their language is valued? How do we support pupils with different levels of English and make them feel included in the class community - and help them access the curriculum?
Dr Eowyn Crisfield, a specialist in language acquisition and development, delves into the fascinating world of multilingual education. The conversation emphasises the importance of understanding and valuing the diversity of languages among students.
Every child who comes in the door has the opportunity to thrive in a curriculum that's designed to meet their needs.
Dr Eowyn Crisfield
There's a very strong relationship between continued development in the home language and learning of English in school.
Dr Eowyn Crisfield
Dr Eowyn Crisfield is a specialist in language acquisition and development. She works with families, schools and governmental organisations to develop ethical and holistic approaches to supporting multilingual children. Her research focuses on equal access to learning and language development for all students and on appropriate and effective professional development for teachers working with language learners. She is the author of the recent book ‘Bilingual Families: A Practical Language Planning Guide (2021) and co-author of “Linguistic and Cultural Innovation in Schools: The Languages Challenge” (2018, with Jane Spiro).
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