Maths Out Loud


Use the number line. Count to 20 as a class like this: whisper 1, shout 2, whisper 3, shout 4, whisper 5, shout 6, and so on. Repeat this at least twice. Then point out that we can count just the ‘shout-y numbers’. Two, four, six… Count in twos to 20, saying only the even numbers. Repeat this. Then show a cup full of £2 coins (NB These must be real not plastic!) Point out that we can count in twos to see how much money we have. Tip the coins out, then count in twos, dropping one £2 coin into the mug with each number spoken. Two (clink), four (clink), six (clink), etc. How much do I have? This is because each one of these coins is two of these – show the £1 coin. We count in twos to find out ‘How much?’.


Song – Five Currant Buns (Adapted)

Adaptation – use two children from class to pay with £1 coins at the appropriate point in the song.

Children start by showing ten fingers

Ten currant buns in a baker’s shop.
Sticky and round with a cherry on top.
Along came Marek with a pound one day,
Bought five buns and took them away.
Children fold down five fingers

Five currant buns in a baker’s shop.
Sticky and round with a cherry on top.
Along came Annie with a pound one day,
Bought five buns and took them away.
Children fold down last five fingers

Show the two £1 coins and show that this is equal to a £2 coin.


The Shopping Basket by John Burningham. Children discuss how much each of the items on the shopping list might cost.