Maths Out Loud


Sit children in a circle. Pass a teddy round the circle as you count. Pass teddy back again as you count back, slowly at first, gathering pace until teddy reaches 1.

Split the class into 2 groups. Count to 100 using 1-100 grid, each half of the class saying alternate lines on the grid.

Give 10 children cards 10, 20, 30… 100. Use 1-100 grid to aid counting to 100, children stand up and show their cards when their number is said. Other children use fingers to count each 10, waving 1 hand or 2 for nos. ending in 5 or 0.


Sing songs or say rhymes which start with one object/ character and add one more each time, e.g. One man went to mow or Dinosaurs to Ten. Ask children to be the objects or characters.


One Elephant Went Out to Play by Sanja Rešcek (illustrator).