
English Year 5/6 Spring Reports


Starting with Catherine Barr's stunning book, Fourteen Wolves, learn about re-wilding. Revise paragraphs, cohesive devices and active and passive voice. Research and write a report about the reintroduction of a UK species.

Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.

Unit 1 Core: Exploring Fourteen Wolves
(suggested as 5 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.

You Will Need

Essential Text

Fourteen Wolves by Catherine Barr and Jenni Desmond

Unit 2 SPaG: Devices to build cohesion between and within paragraphs
(suggested as 3 days)

You Will Need

Essential Text

Fourteen Wolves by Catherine Barr and Jenni Desmond

Unit 3 SPaG: Active and Passive Voice
(suggested as 2 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Active and Passive Voice


You Will Need

Essential Text

Fourteen Wolves by Catherine Barr and Jenni Desmond

Unit 4 Composition: Writing reports about animal reintroductions
(suggested as 5 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.

You Will Need

Essential Text

Fourteen Wolves by Catherine Barr and Jenni Desmond