
English Year 4 Spring Reports


Read Wolves in the Walls (Gaiman) and Wolves (Gravett) for features of non-chronological reports. Use adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions of time/cause. Produce reports.

Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.

Unit 1 Core Unit: Read and compare fiction and non-fiction about wolves
(suggested as 4 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.

Back to Lockdown?

If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.

You Will Need

Essential Texts
The Wolves in the Wall by Neil Gaiman
Usborne Beginners - Wolves by James Maclaine
Walk with a Wolf by Janni Howker
Wolves by Emily Gravett

Unit 2 SPAG: Using conjunctions to express time and clause in multi-clause sentences
(suggested as 3 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.

Back to Lockdown?

If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.

You Will Need

Walk with a Wolf by Janni Howker

SPAG PowerPoint: Time and Cause

Unit 3 Comprehension: Reading non-fiction and recognising its features
(suggested as 2 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.

Back to Lockdown?

Home Learning packs are not being created for this unit of learning.

Unit 4 SPAG: Express time, cause and place with adverbs and prepositions
(suggested as 3 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.

Back to Lockdown?

If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.

You Will Need

Wolves by Emily Gravett

SPAG PowerPoint: Prepositions, Adverbs, Time, Cause

Unit 5 Composition: Write reports about wolves using grammar from previous units
(suggested as 4 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.

Back to Lockdown?

If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.

You Will Need

Wolves by J. Maclaine

Diagram of a wolf on the Animal Corner website

SPAG PowerPoint: Time and Cause
SPAG PowerPoint: Prepositions Adverbs Time Cause