English Year 4 Spring Reports
Read Wolves in the Walls (Gaiman) and Wolves (Gravett) for features of non-chronological reports. Use adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions of time/cause. Produce reports.
Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.
Unit 1 Core Unit: Read and compare fiction and non-fiction about wolves
(suggested as 4 days)
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
You Will Need
Essential Texts
The Wolves in the Wall by Neil Gaiman
Usborne Beginners - Wolves by James Maclaine
Walk with a Wolf by Janni Howker
Wolves by Emily Gravett
Unit 2 SPAG: Using conjunctions to express time and clause in multi-clause sentences
(suggested as 3 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
Walk with a Wolf by Janni Howker
SPAG PowerPoint: Time and Cause
Unit 3 Comprehension: Reading non-fiction and recognising its features
(suggested as 2 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
Home Learning packs are not being created for this unit of learning.
You Will Need
Wolves by J. Maclaine
BBC Earth Unplugged Grey Wolf vs Elk
Diagram of a wolf on the Animal Corner website
Wikipedia entry on Grey Wolves
Unit 4 SPAG: Express time, cause and place with adverbs and prepositions
(suggested as 3 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
Wolves by Emily Gravett
SPAG PowerPoint: Prepositions, Adverbs, Time, Cause
Unit 5 Composition: Write reports about wolves using grammar from previous units
(suggested as 4 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being prepared for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
Wolves by J. Maclaine
Diagram of a wolf on the Animal Corner website
SPAG PowerPoint: Time and Cause
SPAG PowerPoint: Prepositions Adverbs Time Cause