English Year 4 Autumn Biographies
Discuss inventions. Imagine the future using Was it Better Now? Explore biography (Genius of Leonardo) study verbs, perfect form, adverbs; write an autobiography.
Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.
Unit 1 Core: Inventions and inventors’ biographies
(suggested as 4 days)
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
Home Learning packs are not being created for this Block of learning.
Resource PowerPoint
You Will Need
Essential Texts
Provided in resources
Biography of Ole Kirk Christiansen (Lego)
Biography of Percy Shaw (Cat's Eyes)
Animated Tale
Was it better now?
This is a colourful adventure and sci-fi story. Fred is looking for his misplaced football scarf late one evening at school where he meets Mon, a boy from 400 years into the future. The two immediately become friends. Fred shows Mon around school the next day and Mon is awestruck. When Mon takes Fred to his own time, Fred is overwhelmed by how different life in the future is. The story juxtaposes scenes from Fred’s and Mon’s time for contrast.
Unit 2 SPAG: Verb tenses, incl. perfect form, using biographies of Leonardo Da Vinci
(suggested as 4 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
Home Learning packs are not being created for this Block of learning.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
Essential Texts
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci by Guido Visconti and Bimbo Landmann (Please note this book is sadly out of print. Second hand copies are available online or try your local library).
Leonardo Da Vinci biography from YouTube.com
Simple biography of Leonardo Da Vinci from ducksters.com
Children’s Encyclopaedia entry for Leonardo da Vinci from kids.kiddle.com
Other websites (see resources)
Animated Tale
Was it better now?
This is a colourful adventure and sci-fi story. Fred is looking for his misplaced football scarf late one evening at school where he meets Mon, a boy from 400 years into the future. The two immediately become friends. Fred shows Mon around school the next day and Mon is awestruck. When Mon takes Fred to his own time, Fred is overwhelmed by how different life in the future is. The story juxtaposes scenes from Fred’s and Mon’s time for contrast.
Unit 3 Comprehension: Study a specific biography: Leonardo da Vinci
(suggested as 2 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
Home Learning packs are not being created for this Block of learning.
You Will Need
Essential Texts
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci by Guido Visconti and Bimbo Landmann (Please note this book is sadly out of print. Second hand copies are available online or try your local library).
Leonardo da Vinci; Little Guides to Great Lives by Isabel Thomas
Leonardo Da Vinci biography from YouTube.com
Leonardo Da Vinci simple biography from ducksters.com
Unit 4 SPAG: Identify/use verbs, adverbs and adverbials in the context of Inventions
(suggested as 3 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
Home Learning packs are not being created for this Block of learning.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
Essential Texts
Three Cheers for Inventors by Marcia Williams.
Optional Texts
Leonardo da Vinci for Kids, His Life and Ideas by Janis Herbert
Unit 5 Composition: Biographies of inventors
(suggested as 5 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
Home Learning packs are not being created for this Block of learning.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
Essential texts
Three Cheers for Inventors by Marcia William
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci by Guido Visconti and Bimbo Landmann (Please note this book is sadly out of print. Second hand copies are available online or try your local library).
Leonardo da Vinci biography from ducksters.com.