Lesson Planning

Inspire writing in this hands-on block with the beautiful Ink Garden of Brother Theophane, learn about illuminated manuscripts and making dyes. Study conjunctions and prepositions.
Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being created for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.
Essential texts
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane by C.M. Millen and Andrea Wisnewski
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being created for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
Essential texts
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane by C.M. Millen and Andrea Wisnewski
Grammar Presentation: Extending sentences with conjunctions
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being created for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
Essential texts
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane by C.M. Millen and Andrea Wisnewski
Grammar Presentation: Prepositions for time, place and cause
Group Reader
Purple is Best by Ruth Merttens
Purple is best
This is a book about colours and dyes. How did people dye their clothes in ancient Egypt? In Roman times? What plants make good dyes? Which dye was more expensive than gold? Children read this book, seeing the colours as they go.
With TA/Tutor
TA/Tutor materials are not being created for this unit.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.
Essential texts
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane by C.M. Millen and Andrea Wisnewski
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