
English Year 3 Autumn Instructions and Explanations

Game Shows and Quizzes

Using game shows and quizzes children identify the differences between instructions and explanations. Add information about time, place and cause to write clear instructions.

Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.

Unit 1 Core: Introduction to the features of instructions and explanations
(suggested as 4 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.

They support the learning in class in this unit.

Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.

Back to Lockdown?

If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.

You Will Need

Included in resources.

The letters round, Countdown, from
Pointless from watch from 2mins 15 sec to 5mins 15 sec
Numbers game from

Unit 2 SPAG: Conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions used to add information about time and cause
(suggested as 3 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.

They support the learning in class in this unit.

Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.

Back to Lockdown?

If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.

You Will Need

Included in resources.

Unit 3 Comprehension: comparing and analysing explanations and instructions
(suggested as 4 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.

They support the learning in class in this unit.

Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.

Back to Lockdown?

If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.

Unit 4 SPAG: Using paragraphs to group related material
(suggested as 3 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.

They support the learning in class in this unit.

Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.

Back to Lockdown?

If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.

Unit 5 Composition: Writing explanations using key features
(suggested as 4 days)

TAs & Tutors / Home Learning

With TA/Tutor

These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.

They support the learning in class in this unit.

Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.

Back to Lockdown?

Home Learning packs are not being prepared for this unit.