English Year 3/4 Autumn Reports
Saving Species
A topical block focusing on the depletion of species in the UK and around the world. Using Last by Nicola Davies as a starting point, build noun phrases and use paragraphs to organise texts. Produce infographics and letters.
Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.
Unit 1 Core: Reading Last and researching endangered animals
(suggested as 5 days)
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.
You Will Need
Essential Text
Last by Nicola Davies
Additional Texts
Any other books about endangered animals, some suggestions are:
Red Alert! by Catherine Barr
Endangered Animals by Martin Jenkins
Saving Species by Jess French
Nicola Davies introduces Last
BBC The last northern white rhinos
BBC Seven Worlds, One Planet - Africa
WWF Species Directory
Helping Rhinos: Impact
Tim Flach: Images of endangered animals
Unit 2 SPaG: Extended noun phrases
(suggested as 3 days)
Lesson Planning
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
PowerPoint: Noun Phrases
You Will Need
Essential Text
Last by Nicola Davies
Optional Texts
The Variety of Life by Nicola Davies and Lorna Scobie
Lots by Nicola Davies and Emily Sutton
International Rhino Foundation: State of the Rhino
Save the Rhino International: The difference between black and white rhinos
Unit 3 SPaG: Paragraphs
(suggested as 2 days)
Lesson Planning
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
PowerPoint: Paragraphs
You Will Need
Essential Texts
Last by Nicola Davies
Unit 4 Composition: Researching endangered animals and taking action
(suggested as 5 days)
Lesson Planning
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.
You Will Need
Essential Texts
How to Help a Hedgehog and Protect a Polar Bear by Jess French
There’s a Rang-Tan in My Bedroom by James Sellick and Frann Preston-Gannon
Optional Texts
Last by Nicola Davies
Back from the brink
Back from the brink: Long-eared bat
Greenpeace: Rang-tan: watch the film
News article about Kellogg's changing its palm oil policy