
English Year 3/4 Summer Explanations

Modern Technology

Introduce explanation texts using the entertaining Until I met Dudley. Use conjunctions to extend sentences and nouns and pronouns to write cohesively. Design and invent a new machine and clearly explain its purpose.

Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.

Unit 1 Core: Read and explore explanations about modern technology
(suggested as 5 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.

You Will Need

Essential Text:
Until I met Dudley: How Everyday Things Really Work by Roger McGough

Optional Texts:
DK: First How Things Work Encyclopaedia
Any reference books about modern technology.

Unit 2 SPaG: Extend sentences using a wider range of conjunctions: funny machines
(suggested as 2 days)

You Will Need

Essential Text:
Until I met Dudley: How Everyday Things Really Work by Roger McGough

Unit 3 SPaG: Nouns, pronouns and precise language: digital technology
(suggested as 3 days)

You Will Need

Essential Texts:
Included in resources

Non-essential Texts:
DK: First How Things Work Encyclopaedia
Until I met Dudley: How Everyday Things Really Work
by Roger McGough

Objects and Stories The Science Museum

Unit 4 Composition: Invent and write explanations for a new technology
(suggested as 5 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.

You Will Need

Essential Text:
Until I met Dudley: How Everyday Things Really Work by Roger McGough