English Year 2 Autumn Familiar Settings
Imaginary Creatures
Drawing on classic picture books, sequence plots, study description and noun phrases, learn progressive forms of verbs and write stories based on The Sand Horse.
Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.
Unit 1 Core: Read and compare stories that feature imaginary creatures in familiar settings
(suggested as 4 days)
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
You Will Need
Not Now, Bernard by David McKee
There’s NO such thing as a Dragon by Jack Kent
A Lion in the Meadow by Margaret Mahy and Jenny Williams (Currently out of print but readily available second-hand)
The Slightly Annoying Elephant by David Walliams and Tony Ross
Unit 2 SPaG: Using expanded noun phrases in descriptive writing
(suggested as 3 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
It’s a Secret! by John Burningham (Out of print, but readily available second hand)
Either of…
The Way to the Zoo by John Burningham
The Magic Bed by John Burningham
SPaG PowerPoint: Noun Phrases
Unit 3 Comprehension: Plot and narrative sequences in stories with familiar settings
(suggested as 4 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
You Will Need
Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy
Group Readers
The Day Ben Went Bump
Group Readers
The Day Ben went Bump
This is a really simple fantasy story about a child who falls through the floor and meets a variety of creatures in the ground below! Easily accessible for beginning readers, the children can use this to stimulate their own versions.
Unit 4 SPaG: Verbs and past and present tenses, including progressive form
(suggested as 3 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
The Magic Bed by John Burningham
The Way to the Zoo by John Burningham
SPaG PowerPoint: Past and Present Tenses
Unit 5 Composition: Write a story based on one read in class
(suggested as 4 days)
Lesson Planning
TAs & Tutors / Home Learning
With TA/Tutor
These materials are for a TA or Tutor to use with a small group of children or one child.
They support the learning in class in this unit.
Notes are provided for teacher and TA/Tutor.
Back to Lockdown?
If your class or school is having to close for a while, these materials provide a home dimension as well as a clear route map outlining what to teach online, and what to practise at home.
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
You Will Need
The Sand Horse by Ann Turnbull and Michael Foreman
SPaG PowerPoint: Noun Phrases
SPaG PowerPoint: Past and Present Tenses