English Year 1 Summer Information Texts
Comparing Non-fiction and Fiction
Read gorgeous books about tigers, whales, sharks and polar bears. Understand differences between fiction and non-fiction, read, answer and write questions and produce factual texts.
Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.
Unit 1 Core Unit 1 – Recognise differences between fiction and non-fiction
(suggested as 4 days)
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.
You Will Need
Essential Texts
There’s a Tiger in the Garden by Lizzie Stewart
Tigress by Nick Dowson (Please note this book is sadly out of print. Second hand copies are available online or try your local library).
Unit 2 SPAG: Writing Descriptive Sentences
(suggested as 3 days)
Lesson Planning
Group Readers
Whale Words
This text, with its stunning illustrations, is the perfect accompaniment to a teaching session on information texts. Guaranteed to capture a child’s imagination, it is nevertheless simple enough to be read by those just starting their reading journey.
You Will Need
Essential Text
Big Blue Whale by Nicola Davies and Nick Maland
Group Reader
Whale Words by Ruth Merttens
Whale Clip from www.YouTube.com
Unit 3 Comprehension: Comparing fiction and non-fiction
(suggested as 4 days)
Lesson Planning
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.
You Will Need
Essential Texts
Ice Bear by Nicola Davies
Rainbow Bear by Michael Morpurgo
Tigress by Nick Dowson (Please note this book is sadly out of print. Second hand copies are available online or try your local library).
Unit 4 Composition: Writing questions as sentences
(suggested as 4 days)
Lesson Planning
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.
You Will Need
Essential Texts
Surprising Sharks by Nicola Davies
Unit 5 Composition: Write a non-fiction book about Fierce Animals
(suggested as 4 days)
Lesson Planning
SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation
There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.
You Will Need
Essential Texts
Tigress by Nick Dowson (Please note this book is sadly out of print. Second hand copies are available online or try your local library).
Surprising Sharks by Nicola Davies
Ice Bear by Nicola Davies