Active Learning
- Wakey-Wakey!
- Hibernation
- Spring flowers
- Spring pictures
Step into spring and look out for the signs of new life on a nature walk. Enjoy sharing Wakey-Wakey, The Odd Egg and The Egg Drop to help create descriptive phrases and captions, as well as explore springtime festivals.
Poetry/Rhyme of the Week: Spring-time Flowers (resources) Share the poem and rehearse at suitable times throughout the week, e.g. start/end of the day. Help children to vary the pitch and tone of their voice as they rehearse to emphasise words and phrases.
Group Reader: Wakey-Wakey
This lovely story about wildlife awakening after the cold, dark winter will engage beginning readers with its repeating structure and colourful illustrations
Essential Texts
Wakey-Wakey (Hamilton Group Reader)
That’s Not a Daffodil by Elizabeth Honey
Play Springtime Fun from cbeebies
Hibernation and British mammals, additional information from BBC
Hickety Pickety my red hen - BBC Teach
Additional information and images for the craft activities
Fruit and Vegetable Prints
Pot of Paper Spring Flowers from cbeebies
How to make Clay Hedgehogs
Colour Changing Flowers Experiment
Flowers, role-play props for flower shop
Woodland small-world materials
Fruit and vegetables for printing
Green paper, coloured tissue paper, modelling clay, paper cups
Poetry/Rhyme of the Week: Five Little Ducks (resources)
Share poem and recite throughout the week. Children explore varying the pitch and tone of their voices to emphasise the rhyming words. Children learn & perform the poem in small groups.
Group Reader: Spring for the Birds
The birds begin to sing in this beautifully illustrated text, they build their nests, lay their eggs and raise their young.
Essential texts
The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett
Spring for the Birds (Hamilton Group Reader)
Chicken Eggs Hatching video clip
KS1 / KS2 Science: What does it take to raise a baby bird? - BBC Teach for how birds raise their young in spring
The Ugly Duckling told by Wilf Merttens
Chick Chick Chicken and Sleeping Little Bunnies Sleeping from cbeebies
Paper plate chick, Odd Egg Suncatcher and Woolly Peg Lamb from cbeebies
Five little ducks went swimming one day - BBC Teach
Ingredients and cooking equipment for chocolate nests
Farmyard small-world materials
Wool and pegs
Poetry/Rhyme of the Week: Hot Cross Buns (resources)
Share Hot Cross Buns, rehearsing throughout the week, e.g. start/end of the day. Enjoy singing together.
Essential text
The Egg Drop by Mini Grey
The Easter Story and Preparing for Easter from cbeebies
Celebrating Holi from cbeebies
Decorated Eggs from
Easter Egg Hunt Kit from cbeebies
Easter Card craft idea
Holi Powder recipe from
Artefacts and photographs that represent Springtime people/ places/ experiences
Hot cross bun ingredients; coloured card; Spring festival books
Springtime garden small-world materials
A4 white cloth, mist spray, bright powder paints
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