Books to Share

  1. Read and enjoy Little Rabbit Foo Foo.
  2. Reread LRFF with children joining in. Rehearse the repeated phrases, so they start memorising these – invent and add actions to help children remember exactly how it goes.
  3. Read LRFF with children performing the repeated phrases with expression using the actions agreed last time. Set the repetitive refrain to music using wind instruments and soft percussion (EAD).
  4. Read The Elephant and the Bad Baby, encouraging children to join in with the repeated phrase. Compare with Little Rabbit Foo Foo. Which do children prefer? Why?

Poetry/Rhyme of the Week: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Introduce to children part-way through the week and discuss how, like Little Rabbit Foo Foo, someone has been naughty!
Perform the rhyme whilst clapping hands (it is a clapping-rhyme) and point to different children to be the robber! Rehearse on Thursday and Friday – send home for w/end.