SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Presentation: Modal Verbs
Revise modal verbs, identify them in a sentence and explore how they modify meaning. Use modal verbs to write predictions and sentences about degrees of obligation.

2) Presentation: Expanded Noun Phrases
Revise how to construct, identify and use expanded noun phrases to convey detailed information concisely. ‘Test’ them by replacing with a pronoun.

3) Presentation: Relative Clauses
Revise how relative clauses can give extra information about a noun, a pronoun or a clause. Identify relative clauses in given sentences, explore punctuation of embedded clauses and try adding your own to expand sentences.

4) Presentation: Subjunctive form for hypotheticals and wishes
Revise how this very formal verb form can be used to express hypotheticals and wishes. Identify when sentences use the subjunctive form, rewrite given sentences to make them more formal and write hypothetically using sentence starters.

Presentation: 5-Minute Revision, Unit 2
Deliver quick, focused revision (modal verbs, expanded noun phrases, relative clauses, subjunctive form), which requires children only to have whiteboards. Questions are intentionally similar in content and style to the formal KS2 tests.