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Contextual maths within topics

By Julie St Clair Hoare - 9 Aug 2018

Topics present abundant opportunities for contextual maths. Have fun with meaningful maths and explore a cross-curricular topic at the same time.

Find contextual maths activities in reception topics. Download PDF

Dinosaurs and birthdays provide contexts for counting, measuring, pattern work and problem solving!


Find contextual maths activities in key stage 1 topics. Download PDF

Your school and local area, famous mathemeticians, oceans and seas, British mountains and hills and weather provide contexts for working with mathematical data of all sorts!

Key Stage 1

Find contextual maths activities in lower key stage 2 topics. Download PDF

Romans, the history of clothing, modern Europe and sports tournaments provide contexts for analysing data, Roman numerals and mathematical problem-solving!

Lower Key Stage 2

Find contextual maths activities within the context of upper key stage 2 topics. Download PDF

People and places, fossils, ancient Egypt and Sumer, the Indus valley, Maya and Shang and computational thinking provide contexts for working with tables and diagrams, calculation, problem-solving, ratios, measure, geometry and more!

Upper Key Stage 2