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Catch-up for Year 2 Free Grammar and Punctuation

By Ruth Merttens - 31 Jul 2020

PowerPoint Presentations

Revise Sentence Punctuation, including capitals for names and question and exclamation marks
Support children’s understanding of how to use full stops at the end of sentences and capital letters at the start. Realising that full stops are not at the end of a line, but at the end of a sentence is one of the most important and basic concepts. It needs to be reinforced and sustained from the start. Once this is secure, move on to embed an understanding of how we punctuate questions and exclamations.
We sailed to the land where the wild things are. Why did we go? It was so exciting, we had to!
Terminology: Sentence, Capital letter, Full stop, Question mark, Exclamation mark

Understand how adjectives, adverbs and prepositions help in Writing Description
Explain what nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions do by looking at these word classes. Then show how we use adjectives and modify them with adverbs and how prepositions help us add further detail to create really good descriptions.
The wild tiger, the black bear and the calmly swimming whale. The gentle garden with a swing in the corner.
Terminology: Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition

Use Conjunctions to join ideas in longer sentences.
Co-ordination: using ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘but’ (Compound sentences)
Subordination: using ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘if’, ‘that’ and ‘because’ (Complex sentences)
Children need to start using compound and complex sentences in their writing:
The tiger ate up all the food and he drank up all the water. Daddy was happy about the tiger but he had no supper to eat at home. We love the tiger because he is so beautiful, quiet and big! When the tiger came to tea, he ate everything in the house.
Terminology: Conjunction

Recognise Verbs and begin to understand Past tense as opposed to present tense
In a story it is often past tense: The tiger went to the cupboard and took out all the tins. He drank up all the water in the tap.
In a description of something which is true now, it is present tense. My favourite colour is red. I like playing princesses and magic games best.
Terminology: Verb, Present tense, Past tense

Begin to use harder punctuation, including Commas in lists
Show how commas can be used to separate items in lists.
For lunch I ate a ham sandwich, crisps, an apple and some biscuits.