SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Grammar Presentation: Bullet Points
Explore the conventions associated with using bullet points and how to use them in lists when the items are full sentences or words and phrases. Spot and troubleshoot errors.

2) Grammar Presentation: Punctuating Dialogue
Consolidate children’s understanding of how to punctuate dialogue as direct speech. Introduce reported speech and how this can summarise and report informal discourse in a concise and informal manner.

3) Grammar Presentation: Commas, Colons and Semi-colons
Give an overview on how these punctuation marks are used and why. Explore how commas separate and clarify. Understand how colons and semi-colons mark relationships between clauses in a way which is similar to conjunctions.

Presentation: 5-Minute Revision, Unit 5
Deliver quick, focused revision (bullet points; punctuating dialogue; commas, colons and semi-colons), which requires children only to have whiteboards. Questions are intentionally similar in content and style to the formal KS2 tests.