Reception Superheroes
My Super Family

Focus on the key members of your family and what makes them your superheroes; draw portraits, interview them and celebrate their special talents, qualities and the things they do for you. Hold a special art exhibition with an opening ceremony and invite your special people.

Session 1 Can you rescue Earth from the evil Zog?


Early learning goals

  • Represent own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.
  • Use phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.
  • Write some irregular common words.
  • Write simple sentences which can be read by self and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Lesson Planning

Find a message from a superhero needing help, start to research superheroes and interview family members about which superhero they would want to be.

Children will:

  • Use their phonic knowledge to write simple words/sentences.
  • Learn about superheroes through play experiences.
  • Identify & express their own and their families’ strengths.

Provided Resources

  • Family interview ideas
  • Superhero training centre role-play ideas
  • Mission cards
  • Message from Zog

You Will Need

  • Comic books
  • Internet access
  • Superhero toys
  • Fiction books
  • A4 & A3 paper
  • Numbers cards from 1-10
  • Simple maths questions on paper
  • Stickers
  • Pre-cursive handwriting sheets.

Session 2 Charlie's superhero underpants


Early learning goals

  • Represent own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.
  • Listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events, and respond to what is heard with relevant comments, questions or actions.
  • Talk about the features of the immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.

Lesson Planning

Go on a superhero mission around school to find Charlie’s missing underpants!

Children will:

  • Use play experiences to share/grow knowledge about superheroes.
  • Discuss how locations around the world are similar and different.
  • Make superhero gadgets and dens.

You Will Need

  • Junk modelling materials
  • School bag - bag items: sandwich, sardines, soap, mirror, fan, toothbrush and telescope
  • Charlie's Superhero Underpants by Paul Bright
  • Clothes as in the story
  • Globes or atlases
  • Construction bricks and pieces of materials
  • A camera or iPad to take photographs

Session 3 Incredible families


Early learning goals

  • Use phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.
  • Write some irregular common words.
  • Write simple sentences which can be read by self and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
  • Represent own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.
  • Talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members.
  • Know about similarities and differences between others.

Lesson Planning

Watch a clip from The Incredibles and use small world models to create your own family rescue scenes.

Children will:

  • Use play experiences to share knowledge about superheroes.
  • Talk about their families & know that all families are different.
  • Use their phonic knowledge to write a simple sentence.

You Will Need

  • Internet access
  • iPads
  • 'Happy family' card game

Session 4 Superhero parade


Early learning goals

  • Represent own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.
  • Express self effectively and develop explanations by connecting ideas or events.
  • Accurately anticipate key events, and respond to what is heard with relevant comments, questions or actions.

Lesson Planning

Children dress up as their favourite superheroes, hold an art exhibition and play superhero guess who.

Children will:

  • Compose and perform a short dance for the parade.
  • Consolidate their learning about superheroes by taking part in child-initiated activities.
  • Present their learning to an audience.

You Will Need

  • Alien teddy, puppet or costume and face paints
  • Felt tip pens and crayons