Reception Animals

Animals are always fascinating to children. Real and imagined animals inspire creative cross-curricular learning activities in this topic about pets, working animals, rare breeds, animals in the wild and symbolic animals in literature and religion.

Block A
6 sessions

How do you care for pets at home? How does a vet help animals? Do you know about exotic pets? Hold an animal picnic, a Great Pet Sale and a ‘Best in Show’ event to find the answers.

English, Maths, PSHE, Art & Design, Music, Science, Dance, Drama
Block B
5 sessions
Working Animals

Learn about animals that do heavy jobs for us, dogs that help people and animals that identify and track scents or deliver secret messages.

English, Maths, Art & Design, PSHE, PE, Music, Science, Dance, Drama
Block C
6 sessions
Animal Protectors

Discover rare breeds and animals. Explore the tasks of animal keepers and train to be an Animal Protector, learning about habitats living conditions and nourishment.

PSHE, Maths, PE, Art & Design, Music, Science, Dance, Drama
Block D
5 sessions
Night Animals and Day Animals

Listen to tales about nocturnal and diurnal animals. Think about concepts of night and day and time. Discover foxes, badgers, bats, the adder and grass snake.

English, Maths, Art & Design, PE, PSHE, Music, Science, Dance, Drama
Block E
5 sessions
Sacred and Mythical Animals

Discover the fantastical dragon, unicorn and phoenix. Listen to their stories. Find out why the cow and bald eagle are considered special animals.

English, Maths, Art & Design, PE, PSHE, Music, Dance, Drama
Block F
6 sessions
Baby Animals

This block about baby animals looks at animal life cycles. Match baby animals to their adults and create dances about how animals learn by copying.

English, Maths, Art & Design, PE, PSHE, Music, Science, Dance, Drama
Block G
5 sessions
Animal Tales

Explore traditional tales and rhymes to learn lessons from animal mishaps! Children consider how to be brave and helpful and the power of teamwork. Animal role models are a catalyst for discussion and expression.

English, PSHE, Art & Design, Music, Drama
Block H
6 sessions
Animal Habitats

Learn about habitats around the Earth and how animals adapt to live there. Discover hot and cold, dry and wet, high and low. Learn through stories, information and observation.

English, PSHE, Art & Design, Music, Science, Dance, Drama
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